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about us

The Film Finance Club was set up to solve a problem...


So many talented filmmakers and producers are trying to make it in the entertainment industry, and so many of them work hard for years before finally giving up because they just couldn't figure out how the world of film and TV works.


The truth is, it's not that complicated. And a little knowledge can go a long way!


But for all the expensive film schools, courses, competitions, experts, and organizations that try to convince you that they can help make your dreams come true, very few of them ever cover the one thing that makes all of this possible: how the hell films and TV shows are actually financed!


Understanding this will inform every decision that you make when creating your project, and is the key to a long and successful career in the entertainment industry. 


We want to share our experience by creating the resources that we wish we'd had when we first arrived in Hollywood. And we want to interact with filmmakers and see how we can help YOU make it!

you talking to me ?

Yeah, I'm talking to you. Yes, you!


Of course, we'd all love for someone to come along and write us a great big check for our budget and let us go off and make our film or TV show or web series... Wouldn't that be sweet?


Trouble is, most projects just don't get financed this way. And even if you do find that one big investor to finance the whole thing, you might be giving up a LOT of control - both creatively and financially - to make it happen.


These days, if you're involved in the independent film or TV-making scene, you NEED to know how projects come together. If you think you're "just" the creative person, and "someone else" handles all the annoying business stuff, you might be waiting a long time for someone to come along and cut that magic check. And for a lot of filmmakers, it might never happen.


Knowledge is power. You can take control of your career! Whether you're a writer or director trying to get your script off the ground, a producer trying to juggle your finance plan, or an investor trying to figure out the best way to finance a project without getting screwed, The Film Finance Club is here to help!


Stop waiting for other people to take a chance on you. Get ahead of the competition and learn how to do it yourself!

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